Armored Vehicles

Security Levels SPS

In SPS armoring is classified into four levels of protection depending on their resistance to different types of weapons and projectiles. A simple way to understand the protection provided by different levels is as follows:

Armoring Process


Reception and Dis-Assembly

Once we have received the vehicle at our facility, our engineers evaluate and inspect the vehicle. Following its inspection it is then passed on to the dis-assembly area where the vehicle is stripped down completely...


Once the vehicle has been stripped down completely, our experts begin installing the opaque and transparent armor to the vehicle ensuring that every possible impact angle is covered giving the vehicle 360 degree protection...


Following the armoring of the vehicle the suspension and brakes are upgraded based on the protection level. Special coil springs are made to spec based on the added weight of the armor and the vehicle model...

Quality Control

Quality Control remains constant along every step of the armoring process and throughout our whole facility and is carried out by experienced quality control engineers.....